Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Ruler of Your Own World with Heejun

On Tuesday, Heejun was a "contestant" on 네 멋대로 해라 (Ruler of Your Own World). Previously, he had appeared on the pilot version like three months ago, and because he still dresses horribly for whatever reason, he was brought back on for the first episode of the new series.

The contestants brought a whole bunch of their clothes, and at the start of the episode, they went through everyone's stuff and basically made fun of everything, but unfortunately, they did not spend any time with Heejun's. Actually, this was fine. We all already know that Heejun tends to look like he stepped out of a Hot Topic in 2004.

The first round was Chuseok themed. I was kinda confused as to how exactly, though.

Heejun came out not looking entirely that bad...

I thought the handkerchief was held together with duct tape.

But the judges were not impressed, and NO ONE liked his outfit.

The next round focused on airport fashion.

Heejun came out dressed in the exact same outfit that he wore for the Handsome Boys of the 20th Century season one promo photo-shoot. 

Surprisingly, three people actually like this ensemble.

But he got upset when the judges liked Don Spike's similar outfit more.

Y'all lucky Hyungdon's holding him back.

In the next round, they had to recreate a G-Dragon look...

Heejun is my heartbreaker, TBQH.

He recreated the photo pretty well and even cut his pants.

He broke out the "Warrior's Descendant" dance, too...

But this did not win over the judges, and again, only three people liked his outfit.

When another contestant was up and was getting praise for his layering, Heejun rushed the stage wearing like three button-up shirts over his t-shirt and under the leather jacket...

This did not make it any better. Obviously.

The final round was club fashion.

Heejun came out in that ugly brown coat that he wore on WISH and on the Ruler pilot...

Walk into the club like, "What up, I got a big coat."

Someone was like, "what if a girl comes up to you?" That's when he ripped off the coat and presented everyone with an even worse look...

It looks like a pajama top.

Of course, and understandably, NO ONE liked this look.

Heejun came in last out of all the contestants. IKR, what a shocker...

I'm wondering if this will get subbed since it's a KBS show. Maybe it will. IDK. But I'll post about it again if it is.

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