Thursday, October 1, 2015

Hidden Singer Doppel-Singer Chuseok Special

jTBC aired a two part Hidden Singer Chuseok special, the "Doppel-Singer Concert," on Saturday and Sunday. I already mentioned that I was going to watch it because my faves Koyote and Cool were going to appear on it, and of course I did end up watching it. It even ended up subbed on the V app, so I watched that too~

Most of the Coolyote action happened in part one, but part two also offered a little bit of something.

Jaehoon and his impersonator Jaeyong were the second team up, singing Cool's "Sorrow." To be honest, I couldn't guess who was who. Even when they were revealed, people in the audience were squinting because they even look way too much alike. There was also a surprise Cool reunion- Sungsu and Yuri joined the two to finish the song~~~

It has been five-ever since Yuri performed with Cool, and she talked about how she decided to come on the show because her husband wanted to see her on stage, so thank goodness for that.

They also talked about how Jaehoon and Jaeyong are kinda like twins, LMAO.

Yeah, kinda cringey.

Then Jaehoon, Jaeyong, and Sungsu were joined by Shin Ji for a rendition of "Before Sadness Comes."

For whatever reason, Jongmin and Bbaek Ga also came up on stage.

Afterwards, there was this funny moment of Yuri motioning for Sungsu to move over and stand with Jaehoon, lol.

They then went into how Cool and Koyote have come together as Coolyote and how Shin Ji is currently filling in for Yuri...

Plus this talked about how she's going to be on the new season of Hidden Singer~

Everyone minus Jaehoon and Jaeyong then went back into the audience for the rest of the special...

Okay, during part two there really wasn't any Coolyote, save for just them watching from the audience shots.

The lulziest moment came when Jongmin admitted that he didn't vote for Jaehoon and Jaeyong...


In the end, Lim Changjung and his doppel-singer (the duo Jongmin voted for) won best couple, but that was cool because they were great, TBH.

And of course I made gifs, so time for a Hidden Singer Coolyote gif partyyy~!

And earlier this week, Jaehoon said that Coolyote (Koyote, Jaehoon, and Sungsu) would be dropping a song soon. So hell fucking yeah, dude. So crazy pumped for it already.

1 comment:

  1. What episode is this? Can you send me the link to watch it? And also I need eng sub.


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