Wednesday, October 7, 2015

National Idol Singing Contest

[This post is hella late because it literally took me forever to make gifs... well, I finally finished those gifs so here's a post.]

That 아이돌 전국노래자랑 (National Idol Singing Contest) special aired last last Monday, the 28th, and I watched it but only watched for the HOTSechgodRG.

Heejun, Myeonghun, and Danny were on as a panel of audition judges, and I was kinda sad that UP10TION didn't go in front of the three, but at least Jun Jin did~

Who's this mystery man moonwalking out...

It's Jun Jin!

And he was hilarious...

Jun Jin is so funny, and I am so sad that he rarely ever goes on variety shows anymore.

Soyu also auditioned, and I was judt like, that poor girl... that meme of her looking like Myeonghun will not die. While 15&'s Jimin did a hilarious cover of Taeyang's "Eyes, Nose, Lips." And then Lee Gukjoo came out singing "I Can Do It" while ushering in some boyband.

I was impressed with a couple of girls from 2EYES doing a HOTSechgodRG dance medley of "Pom Saeng Pom Sa," "Candy," "Hit Song," and "Friday Night."

They did a really good job, so much so that Heejun and Myeonghun made Danny go out and dance to "Friday Night" with them again because Danny is not a very good dancer.

The most important thing, though, was that Myeonghun looked so so good, and since he has not been on anything in forever, I was so so so happy to see him again.

Since this was a KBS special, I think this will probably end up being out subbed next week, so I may watch it in it's entirety and make another post about it then.

For now, check out these gifs~



Look at my handsome future husband...


Dancing to "Friday Night."

All three:

Getting surprised by Jun Jin.

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