Saturday, October 10, 2015

Jiwon on Infinity Challenge Part 1

Last Saturday, Infinity Challenge began their new project the "War of Idiots." But I waited to post about it because I was waiting for subs. Last night, I finally watched Jiwon's subbed segment, so here's a post.

Okay, so Junha, Hyungdon, and Haha visited Jiwon to recruit him for the war since he's well known for his man-child image.

At first he was a little hesitant... And like, yeah, no one wants to admit that their a dumbass.

But then he quickly embraced the challenge.

But here's the kick- it's not a fight to show that you're the dumbest of the dumb. Instead, it's to prove that it's all just part of the character you play on TV.

The IC guys then presented evidence of his past pabo-ness...

They wondered if Jiwon still did not know what π (pi) was.

Jiwon had a little hard time remembering, but luckily, he's still pretty clever.


Plus, he looked pretty alright after being sick and was cute AF as usual...

You yourself can just watch his appearance (subbed) here or here (like an hour and nine minutes in).

My girl Kan Miyoun and professional pabo Kim Jongmin joined Jiwon on the newest episode that aired last night in Korea. I'm going to watch that later, but I probably won't post about it until subs come out on Thursday.

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