Monday, October 5, 2015

Tony & Suwon on Witch Hunt

On Friday, that episode of 마녀사냥 (Witch Hunt) with Tony and Suwon aired, and I finally sat down and watched it today.

Unfortunately, nothing terribly scandalous was revealed.

The only bit that really caused a stir was Tony mentioning how he dated a friend's ex-girlfriend. That even made it out on to English language Kpop sites (just a side-note: this is the first time I ever saw it from a Korean source that Hwansung and Eugene dated... before I had only read about it on that one old ass sketchy NRG forum). Which yeah, it's kinda cringey that you'd want to date a friend's ex, but it wasn't like they were cheating or anything and it's nothing super shocking like people have talked about way worse things on Witch Hunt (I suspect the harsher commenters may just be jelly over the whole Hyeri thing, though, so ya know...).

Suwon was relatively quiet and kinda awkward. So nice. I love awkward Suwon and have missed him.

But there was only one thing salvageable from all this...

Cute caps~! (which are under the break)

However, these caps are heavy on the Suwon side since I haven't found Tony to be attractive since 2012.

Tiny little monkey hands.

Jaeduc, the one that links them.



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