Saturday, September 12, 2015

Jongmin on Mickey Mouse Club

On Thursday, Jongmin was on the Korean version of the Mickey Mouse Club (미키마우스 클럽), which is basically just a vehicle for a bunch of boring ass SM rookies.

Jongmin is known for his childlike character so he fits well on a children's program. But, unfortunately, Leeteuk is one of the hosts, and I cannot stand him and his grating voice. so I also was cringing through the entire show.

Nonetheless, I still powered through it just for the Jongmin.

I think the part of the show he was on lasted for less than half an hour, and they made him participate in some games. Overall it was pretty boring, but at least Jongmin was cute AF.

This is how he made his entrance.

TBH, I wish Jongmin would go on more kids' shows. That'd be adorable as all hell.

"Under the sea~" OMGGG so cute.

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