Thursday, September 3, 2015

A 90s special on Running Man

On August 16th, Running Man aired a "Million Seller" 90s special featuring g.o.d's Joon, Cool's Lee Jaehoon, Clon's Koo Junyup, DJ Doc's Lee Haneul, and Kim Gunmo. But I only found the time to sit down and watch it literally two and a half weeks later. Nothing against those who like it but watching the show feels like a chore, so I kept putting it off.

However, as I just mentioned, I did finally watch the whole thing, so I do have some things to say about this episode.

Look at them.

Gunmo's fucking hat, LMAO.

JAEHOON IS SO FUCKING HOTTT. I was so pumped that he was invited to participate. TBH, if he and Joon were not on this, I probably would not have even bothered watching it.

Gunmo is like a year older than Joon, but I always think he's like sixty-something. Nonetheless, Gunmo is always funny as hell. I wish he popped up more on shows. Maybe he does and I just never hear about it, IDK.

The episode didn't really pick up for me until the end.

At some point, the teams had to opportunity to call a friend, and they'd get more points if that person would come and participate in a game.

Jaehoon was like, "let's call Heejun," and I was like, "hell yeah." 
But Heejun was too busy practicing for his his concert, so no Heej :(

The blue team called goddamn Sungsu, lol, and OFC, Sungsu would show TF up.

Junyup brought this up too in the middle of everything...


DJ DOC really did roll hard back in the day... Didn't they call Baby V.O.X prostitutes, too, WTH?

But, LMAO, the red team called Changryul, and I was like ayyy~ (since he is my DJ DOC fave). Changryul was a reliable choice, and they were able to pull off team jump rope.

Then Sungsu showed up, and I just knew he'd fuck it up.

And he did, right from the start...

OMFG, Joon.

And all the way til the end...

Unfortunately, the blue team won in the end anyway. Not sure why I'm like "unfortunately" because I really did not care, but Joon and Jaehoon were on the red team, so I guess, yeah, I was rooting for them.

I know fans of Running Man often complain that the show blows whenever they invite guests on, and I can sympathize since I hate when guests get invited onto shows I regularly watch (though, TBH, 1N2D handles guest situations pretty well). But I don't watch Running Man unless one of my faves is going to be on it, so IDK if I'd find it to be any more interesting when it's just the cast.

They always seem to invite way too many people on, though, and it's hard to give everyone proper screen-time. Like I got barely any Joon. There was a good amount of Jaehoon, but basically, Gunmo carried the episode and was the main source of the lulz.

It was similar to last year when they did the new and old idol special with HOTSECHgodRG- too many guests were on and the new idols, who shall not be named, were boring AF, so Heejun literally had to do all the work to make the episode actually entertaining.

Watch it for yourself over on Youtube: full episode here and parts one, two, and three of the next.

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