Thursday, September 3, 2015

H.O.T reunion rumors

Okay, so last night a bunch of articles started popping up and going on about how H.O.T were planning on reuniting for their twentieth anniversary next year. Of course, those claims came from someone within the industry, not a member of H.O.T.

This "news" even made it to the English-language Kpop sites. But this was literally after Korean news sites had already contacted reps for H.O.T, and they have not bothered reporting on any of the follow-up articles.

Heejun and Tony both responded with somethings along the lines of  "this is news to me." So straight from H.O.T, they have not been planning anything yet.

Hardcore H.O.T fans are not even worked up over the rumors.

H.O.T getting back together remains just a rumor.

To be honest, though, I am fairly certain that H.O.T will do something special for their twentieth anniversary since it's a big one. Whether it will be concerts or a new album, IDK. But they can't just let 2016 pass by without giving the fans something.

But I won't believe in a reunion is happening until it actually happens.

It's all a waiting game now.

Join my H.O.T prayer circle and let us pray that a reunion does happen.

I mentioned the same thing on tumblr earlier, but I was always like "I’ll believe in a g.o.d reunion when I see it with my own two eyes," and while I was speaking figuratively, I literally did see it with my own two eyes, so I'm having good vibes about H.O.T.

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