Saturday, September 19, 2015

The Matshot

So The Matshot ended like two weeks ago, and I figured that I'd write up one final short post about what I thought about the program.

To be honest, overall, it was a very good show.

Everyone worked well together. Heejun, Suwon, and Taewoo obviously knew each other already, but Thunder easily fit in with them. Even the two chefs, Junwoo and Jingon, fit in. I give the most credit to Heejun, though. Heejun is such a mood maker and has such natural leader/MC qualities that it's hard for shows like this not to work when he's involved.

Food shows still seem to be very trendy in Korea, and The Matshot was touted as the first food truck show, but there really wasn't a lot of focus on the food trucks. I watch a considerable amount of Food Network programming, though, so I guess I have different expectations for food shows.

Now I have to figure out what next I should watch with these guys since I'm not going to get my weekly dose anymore. Heejun is on a lot of shows, and I think Heejun is joining that Ruler of Your Own World show. He was featured on the pilot and I read earlier this week that it got picked up as an actual show. Suwon is still on that one food show that I never started watching, and I hope he finds another variety show to join. Taewoo is going to be on Law of the Jungle, but I am still so Law of the Jungle'ed out that IDK if I'm going to watch it yet.

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