Sunday, September 27, 2015

Joon on Happy Together

Joon was on Happy Together a couple weeks ago, but the subbed episode came out this Thursday, and I finally got around to watching it today~

It was a "Newlywed Special." But apart from Joon, I didn't know anyone else except for Park Hyunbin (who came off as being gross AF on here).

There were some funny moments. Like talking about when Joon met Park Geunhye and hit her with some 'yo's and how he wanted to call her noona. And then when Joon mentioned how his wife is like fourteen years younger, Jaesuk was like it's okay, Joon is just so old that it doesn't even seem like a huge age gap. Poor guy can't even fart around his wife yet.

However, to be honest, there definitely was not enough Joon on this episode of Happy Together.

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