Thursday, September 10, 2015

Finally some HOTSechgodRG news

So the other day I saw a post on some Korean blog about how HOTSechgodRG were going to be on some Chuseok special. Of course, I got hella excited, especially as they haven't done basically anything so far this year (plus, Myeonghun has not been on TV at all lately, and it's literally driving me bonkers).

But now (since legit news sites have started reporting it) it actually seems like HOTSechgodRG (Heejun, Jiwon, Danny, and Myeonghun, but still no Tony) will be participating, as judges, in KBS’ Chuseok special, National Idol Singing Contest~

It should air, obviously, during Chuseok, which is at the end of the month.

Update: Since he was sick, Jiwon was unable to attend filming and so will not be appearing on the special.

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