Friday, September 4, 2015

The Matshot Episode 8

On Thursday, we got a new episode of 더맛샷 (The Matshot). Let's see what happened...

So from last week, we still have Heejun and Taewoo on the black team and Suwon and Thunder on the white team.

The episode started off with a series of games. First, team members had to feed their chefs jajangmyun while blindfolded.

Gotta have that danmuji with it, tho.

The white team finished first and were off to the next game- guessing what was inside one of those metal delivery containers, and they quickly got it, so they moved on to yet another game.

Meanwhile, Heejun wouldn't run so it took a bit before the black team got to the next game, LMAO.

But Jingon guessed correctly on his first try, so they were able to move on in no time. But of course Heejun continued to slow them down, lol.

The third game involved each member of the team flipping stuff in a pan. This was harder than it seemed, and the white team couldn't do it on their first try, so the black team got a chance. They did it no problem and won.

I'm not sure what winning the challenges meant, though, since I wasn't paying close attention.


Both teams then went shopping for ingredients and had some prep time in the kitchen.

Then they just messed around campus, trying to get people to show up for the food truck battle.

The black team went around to some dorms but were hard pressed to find anyone answering their doors (it was during the day so I'd assume kids were in class, wth).

Imagine Heej showing up and knocking on your door. Now, that would be a literal dream come true for me, but for others, I'd say maybe not so much.

The white team hit up some classrooms (smart idea). Like they walked in on an acting class, LMAO. The students got to meet a true thespian, the one and only Jang Suwon, and were blessed with a short performance. They made Suwon act out a scene as a blind man, and everyone was shocked that he was actually not that bad.

Finally, it was time for the big battle.

The white team were up first.

It was amazing that they could get any work done with the dinguses heckling them on the sideline.

Accidents happened. Suwon dropped his rice cake thing, lol.

But they were able to put together a presentable dish.

Thunder cooked that egg thing on the right in the microwave, though.

The black team got right down to business. Being on the same team, Heejun and Taewoo couldn't distract each other, so cooking went on without a problem.

It was super close, but the black team won, three to two.

More importantly, Taewoo was finally on the winning team~

Heejun really can't lose, can he?

Watch the episode here.

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