Thursday, September 3, 2015

New Journey to the West Chapters 1 - 5

신서유기 (New Journey to the West) has finally started. Five "episodes" were unveiled like an hour ago, and amazingly, it's subbed on the V app, so go watch it through that if you're interested (just search for "new journey to the west").

Of course, I watched the videos, and I have to say, so far it's pretty funny. Like I only recently have gone back and started watching 1N2D season one, but I'm familiar with the cast outside of that, so watching New Journey wasn't very awkward for me. Many lol's were to be had nonetheless.

Since it's an internet show, they have a lot more freedom to say or do what they want. As such there were quite a bit of references to Lee Soogeun's gambling scandal, but it was all in good humor and was pretty lulzy each time.

The part where they're at the restaurant before departing for China had me really cracking up. Hodong starts talking about the weather in China and how there should be a lot of variation, like how in some places it'll be cool, but everyone is like it's summer so it'll just be hot and hotter. But then Jiwon goes into this thing about how the closer to sun you are the hotter it is, so it should be hotter up on mountain peaks. Someone's like, "then it should be hot on the airplane," but then Jiwon is like, "nah, they turn on AC to keep it cool." omg.

Then Hodong didn't know what Dragon Ball Z was and said that he didn't use Kakaotalk because it let's people know that you read their message. LMAO.

As you can tell, there was some good stuff that happened.

Go watch New Journey to the West.

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