Sunday, September 13, 2015

New Journey to the West Chapters 6 - 10

Seriously, if you're not watching New Journey to the West by now, you really need to get on it. It's just so funny.

Unfortunately, there are some issues with psychically watching it.

Last week, I was able to watch it on the V app right when the episodes were released in Korea. However, when I went to watch it this past Thursday night, I was disappointed to find that, not only were none of the new episodes uploaded, they had pulled the first five from the app completely.

Bizarrely enough, the new episodes were available, subbed in English, to people in other parts of the world. I live in the US, so I found it very weird that they would subbed it all in English but then not make it available here of all places.

I don't get why they wouldn't just make it globally available to begin with. Why wouldn't they want more people watching New Journey to the West?

Anyway, I ended up watching it elsewhere.

The new five episodes were hilarious, though. Hodong at Subway was my favorite part. omg. And then when they were on their way to dinner... So much secondhand embarrassment.

But, for real, I don't want to spoil anything. Just go and find some way to watch it already. You will not be disappointed.

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