Friday, September 18, 2015

Yoomin on Happy Together

So Yoomin was on Happy Together like two weeks ago, but the subbed episode was uploaded on YT yesterday.

It was a "Devoted Husband Special," and I went into it already knowing it'd be cringe-worthy. Like it's been known for a while now that Yoomin has a really sketchy relationship with his wife. He's said that she was the one who kept him from loosing weight and wanted him heavy so he'd be unappealing to other women, and he's talked about how she has him under constant surveillance. But when he talks about how his wife treats him, everyone always just laughs about it. At one point in this episode, Joo Younghoon says that Yoomin is suffering from Stockholm Syndrome, and TBH, I'm like, yeah, it does kinda come off that way.

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