Saturday, September 19, 2015

Coolyote on Sebakwi

(The videos work. I had to upload them directly to the blog instead of YT because they got taken down due to copyright BS.)

Two Fridays ago, on the 4th, Cool and Koyote guested on 세바퀴 (Sebakwi). I only got around watching it, though, last last Thursday, the 10th, and then I only got around to writing about it today, the 19th. Over two weeks after it first aired. However, I really regret putting it off because this was literally the first episode of Sebakwi that I actually enjoyed watching.

Lee Jung and Jo Seho were also there, and IDK when it happened, but the lady who plays Nara on LAST is apparently one of the MCs now, lol.

I was only here for the Coolyote, though.

Hell yeah, Koyote~

Jongmin was, of course, ridiculously cute.

Shin Ji was typical Shin Ji.

And Bbaek Ga was there, too...

As were two-thirds of Cool.

Hell yeah, two-thirds of Cool~

Lee Jaehoon was def looking kinda old. Still good looking, though~ Ayy~

And like I should keep this on the down low, but TBH, I think Sungsu is kinda hot.

Sungsu is a DILF.

I can't believe I just said that. omg.

The theme of the show was Cool vs. Koyote. But for real, how can you really set the two groups up as rivals.

They talked about memorable music show wins. Like when Cool won first place over H.O.T, and how Koyote beat DBSK.

Awww, Shin Ji :'O

And how both Jongmin and Bbaek Ga started off as back-up dancers.


So that of course led to a dance off...

Look at dem moves B-)


Jongmin's singing ability was brought up...

I've watched this way too many times, and it never stops being hilarious... God, I love Shin Ji and her lack of chill when it comes to Jongmin, LMAO.

And so he then got a chance to sing for everybody...

But look at how supportive Shin Ji can be ;A;

They also talked about when Bbaek Ga joined the group, and how Jongmin was kinda shocked by his appearance, LMAO.

And WTF, did Bbake Ga get pantsed on stage?

Of course, they also had to talk about Shin Ji's drinking habits. Did she say she'd beat on Jongmin when drunk? lol wtf.

Then Jongmin demonstrated how once, when he and Shin Ji were fighting, he got back at her by rolling away on stage...


Throughout the show, they mentioned that the polled people on the internet about what their favorite Coolyote songs were and would bring up the various songs that were suggested on the 'net.

Like "순정."

Shin Ji serving up superior looks.

Then this happened...


Near the end of the episode, there was a dance party~!

Cool sang and danced to "Sorrow," "Destiny, and "Before Sadness Comes," and Jaehoon showed that he still got moves~

While Koyote danced to "Passion," "파란," and "순정."

OMG, this was so good~~~

Koyote killed it, so of course, Jaehoon wanted a do-over.

Then they talked about how they split money, and for both groups they divided it 40%-30%-30%, with Shin Ji and Jaehoon making the most.

Right at the end, they called Yuri, who gave some advice to Shin Ji, since she basically has taken on the female member role in Cool.

In case u want to make a meme out of Jaehoon...


All in all, it was a very entertaining episode. I love Coolyote~

There's more Coolyote to come, too. Koyote and Sungsu were at the filming for the Hidden Singer Chuseok special in support of Lee Jaehoon.

Why does Jongmin look like Lee Yeongja, LMAO?

So that's coming up soon~

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