Monday, August 17, 2015

Vixx LR mini album

I have mentioned it before on here, but I'll say it again- I really, really like Vixx. So I was very excited to hear that Leo and Ravi would be forming a subunit, especially since Ravi is my fave.

Well, the duo just dropped a mini album and MV for title track "Beautiful Liar," and it's all pretty good.

To be honest, musically, the album wasn't what I was expecting, but I'll take it. The MV for "Beautiful Liar," however, is very "Vixx." Maybe a little more artsy and highbrow than what they've put out in the past. But the point is that I loved it.

I'll be real, though, Ravi's solo "Ghost" was my favorite thing about all this >.>

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