Friday, August 28, 2015

LAST Episodes 7 & 8

Even though this is ridiculously late, once again it's time to talk about 라스트 (LAST).

So, what happened in episodes seven and eight? Find out under the break~

Alright, we left our guys in a bind. Jo had completely forgot what the hell they were doing at the hotel. Ah, but we do not have to worry. Cha makes Jo hide in another room while he talks with Jung, who wants to join the oil sand project. Cha says that he could be included but he'd have to provide the company with like seven billion won in like two days and then follow up with another fifteen billion by the end of the month. That's a fuck ton of money, even for Jung, but he's still game to join them.

Everything goes perfectly.

Even when Jo emerges from the room and tries to give Jung one of his "checks."

But after Jung leaves, we see someone watching Taeho as he rushes up to Cha to Jo... who the heck is that???

Desperate for the money, Jung even visits Kwak and asks him to loan him some extra cash.

He brings this up again later with Taeho so remember this...


So far everything is going perfectly for the hobo team, and Kwak and Taeho meet again down by the river.
Kwak, though, is still very wary of Jung and believes that he won't just give up even if they take him for all he's worth. Before they leave each other, Taeho brings up his ex-girlfriend's company and Director Choi. Kwak acts offended and tells Taeho to not worry about it at all.

Totally not suspicious...

Of course that exchange got Taeho to thinking, and so he has the hacker hobo check out what there is to find about Sehoon on the internet. Taeho thinks about ex, but Oh, after seeing Taeho looking sad, brings up Nara because he thinks he's thinking about her. So Taeho is like 'oh yeah, I like her, too...'

So we then cut to the soup kitchen nurse, and her nose starts to bleed, so obviously, something bad is going to happen to her at some point before this shows end.

Outside of the soup kitchen, Sergeant Bae is harassing the hobos lined up for lunch and telling them that need to starve (what? why tho?). Nara tries to intervene, telling the hobos to stop listening to Bae and get something to eat, but since this is a Kdrama, she has to be portrayed as weak. Bae, fed up with her interfering in hobo business, pushes her away and she falls. And of course, since we can now assume that she has some underlying medical issue, she faints.

Word that Nara had to be taken to the clinic gets back to Ryu and obviously that pissed him off so he needs to go kick Bae's ass.

The three turd nuggets of the Seoul Seven then go cry to Kwak about Ryu.

It goes over well.

Meanwhile, Ryu visits Nara at the hospital.

Ryu ain't even homeless, he has that sweet bus.

She's like, "I heard you were dating," since her grandmother told her about him coming into the restaurant with Mijoo, but he's like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

But Nara lays down some truth.

We then go check in on Kwak and Mijoo. She tells him that from now on she won't be spending the night with clients anymore, and he asks if Ryu put her up to this, but she's like, "no, I hate it, I want to stop."

Kwak just laughs like asshole. He knows that it definitely has something to do with Ryu.

Fucking Mantis -_-

Ryu has a flashback to fire that gave Mijoo the scars, and so, he returns to building, and it turns out to be the very same building Taeho and crew are using, lol.

Of course, Ryu then finds out that Taeho is still very much alive.

Later, Taeho drops by Ryu's bus home, explaining that he was going to come back when everything was over.

Yeah, p much.

Regardless, Ryu still wants to start training Taeho again. TBH, I thought he just wanted to kick Taeho's ass.

He also tells Taeho that Nara was hospital but goes on that even if doctors say it's because she's overworking herself, Taeho's a bit to blame for her being in there, as well.

Taeho then goes and stares at some flowers and drops them off at her bedside.

Okay, next we're back at the hotel, and it's time to get all that money out of Jung.

It's going smoothly...

But then Jung mentions how he called the congressman and invited him over to celebrate!!! This is bad.

The congressman bursts in and is followed by a bunch of other men. He explains that these are agents from Blue House's fraud investigation unit, and they're there to arrest Cha and Jo as scam artists.

Jung is about to faint, which makes sense since he literally transferred all of his money over these dinguses and has no idea when he's going to get it back.

Cha and Jo are arrested and driven off in a van. What is going to happen to them now???

But don't worry. This was all orchestrated by Taeho to get the two out there as they would not have left the hotel alive otherwise.

"LOL, guys, it was me!"

So now Jung is hella suspicious that this entire thing was Kwak's brain child, and he's going to strike back.

Later that night, Kwak and Taeho meet, and Taeho is happy because he feels like he has paid off his debt to Kwak, but Kwak just lols...

Okay, so it's not super bad, since he just wants Taeho to join him as a business partner.

Then Ryu shows up, demands to know where Mijoo is since she's been missing for the last two days, and threatens to kill Kwak if he harmed her in any way.

Shockingly (not really) Taeho is like, "stop, why bother with some barfly." It's obvious that it's an act, and Ryu should know Taeho better than that (but then again he did lie about being dead so...), but Ryu is offended and leaves.

But just as he's probably about to go back to his bus, he spots Jung's goons swarming the hotel.

Before the serious shit happens, we get a flashback to Ryu, Kwak, and Eunji. Kwak brings Eunji some food and Ryu some drugs, but it's clear that Kwak wants Ryu to get his shit together.


Back to the present- the goons burst in on Taeho and Kwak, and there's a long ass fight scene.

They're there to assassinate Kwak, basically, and he gets stabbed.

But Ryu is on his way back up...

The glasses are coming off so he means business.

Even though he got stabbed, Kwak is still fighting, but they soon end up cornered.

But that's when Ryu comes in. Where were the other hobos, though? Why weren't they still camping around outside of his penthouse? Kwak was suspicious of what Jung would do, why didn't he take precautions? SMH...

Ryu didn't have to comeback, and even they're like why did he, but it should be obvious that he come back because of Mijoo.

At some point Ryu also gets stabbed.

And then Kwak gets stabbed again.

They keep fighting until they're able to escape in the elevator.


Well, Kwak didn't do anything to Mijoo; he just sent her away on trip with a congressman.

When they get back to Seoul, Mantis gets call about Kwak...

He looks like he's gonna cry... When are they going to get to Mantis' backstory?

Kwak isn't dead, though. At the hospital, Mijoo is at his bedside when Taeho drops in. He tells her about Ryu, but she keeps brushing him off like she doesn't care. It's an act, and she's obviously just trying to protect Ryu.

Elsewhere, Ryu is at Nara's clinic, and she visits him and sees that he's kinda upset, and she rightly observes that it's probably because that Mijoo has yet to visit him.

Moving on to episode eight...

We open with a rather long flashback...

Kwak confides in Taeho that, as a child, Ryu, back when he was a successful boxer, was once his idol.

But when Kwak gets to know Ryu, he's a pretty hardcore druggie, and he's shooting up too much of their boss' product so Kwak constantly has to stand up for him and try to pacify their boss. Kwak again is shown telling Ryu to basically get his shit together because he has to worry about Eunji (he's an orphan himself so he's always like, "It you don't stop, Eunji will be an orphan.").

Mijoo is a young prostitute working in noraebangs, and Ryu has the job of ferrying girls around and watching them, but as I said. he's always strung out. Once again, the drama of Mijoo and Ryu running away away together plays out, but there's always the question of whether or not debts can be repaid.

Ryu doesn't seem like he can be helped, let alone actually wants to be helped, and it's obvious that Kwak's patience is wearing thin, especially since he now has aspirations of taking out their boss and usurping his power.

Finally Kwak has had enough, and so he grabs a knife and heads up to the boss' office, but he finds him shaking down Mijoo and Eunji over Ryu...

It turns out that Kwak started the fire that Mijoo was burned in. He had attacked the boss and in the ensuing fight he had caused the fire as a distraction. Ryu finally makes it up, just as the other gangsters are fleeing the burning building. He finds Kwak knocked out and Mijoo and Eunji trapped in the fire. Ryu carries Eunji out after he tells Mijoo to wait and that he'll come back for her.

There's an explosion, and he never does make it back up for Mijoo... But Kwak was able to wake up and is able to save himself and Mijoo.

I'm sure Ryu feels kinda guilty about leaving Mijoo and Kwak behind, so he volunteers to take responsibility and go to jail, which allows Kwak to build his own empire and become Number One of the Seoul Seven.

After the fire, Mijoo also decides to follow Kwak. But I was like WTH, she needs to go get those burn treated?

And she does.

Okay, back to present day Mijoo and Kwak.

Jung has apparently fled, and Kwak knows that other gangsters will flock to take his place. But Kwak is feeling alright since he paid off one of the congressmen with money and Mijoo (so there were multiple congressmen that he had dealings with throughout the show but I guess I never paid a lot of attention to that because I was confused AF this episode whenever he talked about the congressmen... but anyway), and one of the reasons Mijoo went away with the congressman was that Kwak actually knows where Eunji is, and if she chose to serve him, he'd make it possible for Ryu to find Eunji for himself.

Well, Jung didn't get far, as Mantis catches up with him, LMAO.

Taeho goes to see Ryu under the pretense that Kwak sent him some money. Ryu doesn't care about it, though. However, Taeho drops the bomb that he knows about where Eunji is and he wants to repay Ryu by finding his daughter.

Ryu is like, "you need to figure out your own shit first before you go out trying to find someone else's kid." And yeah, like Taeho doesn't need to meddle in Ryu's affairs right now.

Since he didn't get anywhere with Ryu, Taeho heads over to factory.

Poison Snake isn't as shocked that Taeho's alive as he should be, but Taeho is only there because he wants to know what happened with Jung since he wanted to confront him before he got his organs removed.


A part of me was like, 'shouldn't Taeho be a lil suspicious about whether he's really dead,' but IDK.

I'm going to assume that with this scene Taeho can move on from the whole Jung thing, especially since he finally beat him in the end (he picked the King card).

Hell yeah.

Next, Kwak meets with Wang, who takes Jung's death fairly well, but reminds Kwak that you reap what you sow and that he better remember that for himself.

IDK if Kwak has plans on trying to take Wang out at all...

Then everyone is at The Club, and Kwak gives another speech and explains that Taeho will be personally assisting him from now on.

Of course the three other turds are super jelly~

Bae confronts Taeho in the bathroom.

He says that he left army (more like he got kicked out of the army) because of a sly guy like him and that he's going to beat his ass once again. Bae takes swing but Taeho punches him in the gut and knocks him to the ground. Before it can escalate, Crocodile walks in like the turd he is. Taeho leaves and the two start plotting to take him down.

Elsewhere, Taeho's hobo crew is at Nara's grandmother's restaurant, where Jo brings up how Taeho was supposed to pay. Nara is confused by this. IDK why she would be since Jo is senile and has problems understanding reality, so why would it be strange that he thinks Taeho is still alive?

But later on Taeho finally visits Nara and he apologizes for pretending to be dead. She tries to play it off like it's no big deal and she doesn't care that he's back, but she cares. OFC.

Back at The Club, Kwak tells Mijoo to go talk to Ryu, but she says she has nothing to say to him.

Still, she goes to wake Ryu up, and he asks her what he said or did to her for her to act like this. She tells him that she went to Bali with a congress man and that Kwak didn't force her to go. But Ryu doesn't believe her, and he tries to get her to run away with him again. She goes on about how she knows they'll end up with shitty lives if they leave so she'd rather stay here and be rich with Kwak.

We next check in Sehoon and the ex-gf.

Choi bursts in pissed because he got laid off. The ex-gf is like, "you reap what you sow," but he warns her that she shouldn't trust Sehoon so blindly... Hmm...

Kwak and Taeho then have a lunch date, in which they talk about Jung's businesses, and Sehoon shows up, but he's still not out as his Kwak's brother yet.

At this point, I started wondering if Taeho was still wanted for his friend's murder. Like what happened with that?

It's also weird that the ex-gf told Taeho that she found a guy just like him (Sehoon), and Kwak told Sehoon he found a guy just like him (Taeho), too.

They talk business matters, but I really wasn't following so ?

But I wonder how jealous Sehoon is of Taeho.

At some point there's also this ridiculous scene of Bae and Crocodile trailing Taeho and Mantis.

Taeho once again goes to see Ryu, but he tells him to skedaddle.

Of course, Taeho won't just leave.

Ryu tells him that he shouldn't be so comfortable with things right now and he definately shouldn't trust Kwak. He also goes on how he shouldn't pursue Nara if he plans on also going after "Kwak's scraps," but Taeho is like, "being alone is for the best."

When he leaves Ryu's, he calls Nara, though, and wants to meet her somewhere.

But then he gets another call from Kwak, who asks if he's seen Bae around and warns him that Bae had killed another guy who threatened the Seoul Seven ranks

This all goes on as Bae is sneaking up on Taeho with a knife, LMAO.

But Mantis takes him out... for good...

Taeho stops by Kwak's penthouse, and Kwak says that Bae was taken to the factory and that he would have taken care of Crocodile as well but he slipped away.

Then Kwak shows him the fuck ton of cash he has sitting in a vault, even though, he was just like, "you take what you want and I know you want my fortune."


So yeah, here, Taeho, here's all my money.

But Kwak is then like, "you can fight me and forcefully take this or you can help me and I'll let you inherit it all..."

What is Taeho going to do... Like Kwak didn't really do anything to him, if you think about it, like he had a bigger beef with Jung, so like why not just hang in there? Why is he still hung up on his ex-gf when he's got Nara in his life? What the hell does Taeho even want anymore?

So in the next episodes Straw Cutter, Number Three, gets out of prison, and it looks like there's going to be hella trouble.

But still R.I.P because I thought you were hot :/

I still haven't watched the new episodes from this week. I'll hopefully watch them Saturday night and get a post about episodes nine and ten out by Sunday -_-

Stay tuned.

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