Sunday, August 9, 2015

Same Bed Different Dreams

Earlier tonight, I watched the show Same Bed Different Dreams (that relatively new program hosted by Yoo Jaesuk and Kim Gura), but I only watched it because Jiwon was a guest.

The show blows. It was way too boring, especially without subs, and it seemed to be along the lines of Hello Counselor. After downloading it, I felt regret because it seemed boring before I even started watching it. I did not sit through it, though, and instead I fastforwarded to parts of Jiwon speaking.

It was a shame because Jiwon was looking cute as fuck...

I live for Jiwon lol'ing.

That one basketball dude who's on Sebakwi was also a guest, and I can't stand that guy, so thank g.o.d I didn't actually watch the whole thing.

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