Thursday, August 6, 2015

LAST Episodes 3 & 4

Last night, I got around to watching the latest two episodes of 라스트 (LAST).

I'm putting this whole post under a cut because it's probably going to be hella long and also very spoiler-y.

Okay, so, the new episode picks up with Taeho challenging Sergeant Bae to a dual, which Bae accepts. A time and location are set and it's obvious that someone's ass is going to be kicked.

Meanwhile, it takes a while for word of the fight to get to Ryu, and he's disappointed that Taeho would do something like this behind his back.

Yeah, basically.

Cue the bum fight.

Unfortunately for Taeho, Bae is really good.

There's a long ass fight scene, and Taeho gets his ass kicked. Even worse, the other Seoul Seven are there and get to watch it all go down.

Ryu does nothing to stop the humiliation until the very end when Bae is going to bash his leg with a shovel, and when the other Seven are like no, we need to ship him off to the factory and steal his organs, Ryu is like come fight me then. And since Ryu can kick everyone's ass, they're like okay...

But then the Mantis dude shows up and is like Kwak needs to see the Seven right now, but Ryu is still pissed that Taeho caused a mess so he takes off.

So the rest of the Seven go to Kwak's creatively named club...

Previously, Mantis had filled Kwak in, and so before Taeho arrives, Kwak knows Taeho's true background and why he's out on the streets.

Numbers Four, Five, and Six get warned about the loan shark dude's gangsters going around and causing trouble for the hobo operation, and we see that Kwak basically treats his subordinates like children, which yeah, they're all a bunch of turds and deserve that treatment.

He dismisses the three but not Taeho, and on the way out, Mantis tells the three to keep shut about Taeho.

All he (Mantis) does is glare, though.

Kwak gives Taeho a talking to. He accurately points out that Taeho was dumb in not taking the others seriously. He mocks him and then brings up how he lost 5 billion won in Taeho's failed stock scheme. Taeho is kinda shocked that his identity has been found out and now Kwak has something on him.

But it seems like Kwak has become pretty fond of Taeho (does he remind him of himself? does he just like his tenacity and drive?) Following from the screencap above, Kwak even says he'd give him the chance to move up the ranks.

Then he makes Taeho take a drink, and dang, it turns out the drink had been laced with drugs!

There's no need to worry though. He wakes up with his wounds from the fight bandaged and with Mijoo there looking after him.

But she's like "let's bang," and Taeho is like no, he knows she and Ryu have something going on.

She explains that Kwak presented her as a gift to him, and she then goes somewhat into how her and Ryu got tangled up with Kwak.

And she basically confirms that Kwak likes Taeho and that he should worry.

We go back to Ryu next. He's looking though old family photos and then, because he's all upset, he digs out some needles. Before he can do some drugs, Mijoo shows up and stops him, not for her but for his daughter's sake.

Taeho shows back up at the hospital where he had taken Jo earlier in the episode, and the soup kitchen/nurse lady throws some shade, LMAO.

Then he goes to check in on Ryu, and he see needles everywhere, so he's like...

Ryu is like you are either going to give up or listen to me from now on. Taeho, since he has also realized that Kwak likes him, tells Ryu that he is going to play Kwak- buddy up to him, get close, and do whatever he wants. But Taeho still wants Ryu to train him. Ryu is like "you have no tolerance for pain and are weak."

So there's another training montage, and both characters open up about their pasts.

Ryu's wife had died of cancer, and he had a daughter but lost track of her when he got out of jail like a decade or so ago. Taeho also has no family; his father died when he was young, and he hasn't seen mother since high school because she had gotten remarried to a strict military type guy that he hated.

Oh, and Taeho isn't really homeless anymore, since he and Cha got a room at the soup kitchen nurse's grandmother's place. Cha also tells him about how Kwak doesn't personally own a house because he wants to still be able to connect with his hobos. Instead, he lives in a big ass penthouse at some hotel, so we all know now that Kwak really is a pretentious ahole.

We then go back to Taeho's ex-girlfriend and her dad. She wonders why her father wants her to live with him and join his company; she surmises it's because he wants to use her as his own "capable pawn." She then gets a shock when her new guy, Sehoon, gets the position that she figured her dad was going to give to her.

This subplot gets connected to the main story. Sehoon attends a meeting with Kwak, who is masquerading as the head of some sort of charitable foundation, at his club. They are joined by the loan shark guy and a congressman, whom they are all trying to curry favor with. Sehoon is uncomfortable with the drinking and women, and it's clear that he's a pretty stand-up dude. So he leaves and is later followed by the congressman and the loan shark guy. But before he goes, we see that there's a lot of bad blood between him and Kwak.

The episode ends with Kwak taking off with Mijoo. He's pissed because of his interactions with the loan shark guy so he's speeding to blow off steam, and it's pretty amazing that he doesn't almost kill the both of them. He ponders why Mijoo hasn't run off yet. He tells her that Ryu wouldn't go after her even if she did, but she tells him that she has no plans to leave him. IDK what's going on with her and Kwak and Ryu... It's a crazy love triangle but also a very interesting aspect of the plot.

I was also confused as to who the President Jung guy they kept mentioning was, but then I realized it's loan shark guy. Therefore, I will refer to loan shark guy as Jung from now on...

Now onto episode four.

Authorities pull up Taeho's car and partner's body. The media says that it's being looked into as a possible murder. So now the police are also after Taeho. Oh no.

Kwak uses this to bring Taeho in closer; he suggests that Taeho kills the loan shark dude, after all he'd just been framed for murder so Jung deserves it.

Taeho knows that he can't kill someone, even Jung, so he's like I can't do do it.

So Kwak is like then get me my 5 billion won back, and Taeho leaves to think about it, I guess.

Poison Snake and Crocodile meet with Jung, who tries to get them on his side. Kwak had saved Poison Snake in a fight so he tells him that he won't betray him.  But he's like "fuck Taeho though," and he tells Jung where to find him.

However, Kwak gets Cha to keep an eye on Taeho, giving him money and a cellphone.

There's then a scene of Mijoo at a train station, contemplating about making a run for it. It's also accompanied by a flashback of her a like decade ago. She's going to make a run for it, hoping that Ryu will join her, but when does come, he tells her that it'd be pointless for them to try and run away from Kwak. So here they are now, still trapped under Kwak.

Then there's more training...

But Taeho is sad because he's thinking about how his friend died because of him. Ryu is like don't blame yourself, which I suppose is good advice given his current circumstances.

At his partner's viewing, the Jung henchmen show up and grab Taeho.

He's able to fight the guys in the car and escape. He's going to run, but then he sees old man Jo, who goes on about how he's a burden and that Taeho is young enough that he still has a chance to escape this life. So Taeho reconsiders everything.

Kwak knows Jung's men got him and so he thinks Taeho is dead, but then Taeho shows up and agrees to kill him, but under one condition.

He also points out that it was odd that Jung knew what he was doing, given that only the Seoul Seven and hobos knew about him.

Let's be real, Kwak is impressed with him. Taeho, however, asks why me? Kwak has a lot of guys who are much more capable with taking care of Jung. Taeho proposes that it's because he's disposable. Since he obviously has his own problems with him, Taeho murdering Jung would throw off suspicion from Kwak.

Taeho also thinks that Kwak is just going to kill him afterwards. His sole condition on carrying out the hit is that Kwak allows him to leave country when it's done.

Kwak agrees to the deal, and soon Taeho is tracking Jung, planning for the best time to attack.

But then Mantis is like I haven't told Crocodile to make the fake passport yet, and Kwak is like it's fine, he won't be needing it... What does that mean?

Mijoo tells Ryu about the hit, and he goes to stop him, telling Taeho not to trust Kwak and instead just run.
Taeho is adamant about carrying out the hit, so Ryu is like whatever, peace out. Taeho has disappointed him once again.

The night before the hit, he goes to see his ex, but she's with her new boyfriend. He had gotten the engagement ring back from the pawn shop, and he gives it to her, telling her she can do whatever she wants with it (this parallels the earlier scene with Ryu giving Mijoo a teddy bear for her birthday) but he just wants to close this part of his life. She scoffs that he still hasn't changed and he still doesn't think about others when making decisions. Sehoon is also somewhat spying on the two, so I'm sure he's not happy about it all but IDK what he's going to do with this info.

Taeho feels like he's ready to kill Jung. So he sneaks up on him when he's at a massage parlor...

But Taeho hesitates when Jung gets a call from his granddaughter.

Taeho flips and realizes he really can't do it.

When he tries to escape he loses his gun, and when he scales the building, he's meet by Jung's henchmen. He can't take on so many guys and ends up getting stabbed and nearly thrown off the roof...

Jung wants to play the King-Joker game again, but Taeho decides to choose his own fate and falls from building. Luckily, he's saved by the one homeless guy that he beat up in an earlier episode.

Kwak is super pissed that Taeho failed. Jung is also probably super pissed. So Kwak tells the other three Seoul Seven dumbasses to assemble the hobo army and that they're going to make an attack on Jung (however, Jung's men are able to make the first strike, fucking up one of Kwak's foundation's offices).

I think that maybe Kwak thinks that since Taeho is missing (Cha doesn't even know where he is), he must have purposely sabotaged the hit. But regardless, Kwak now wants to kick Taeho's ass.

Taeho really did cause a HUGE mess and a lot of poor homeless dudes are probably going to have to pay for his mistakes. So fuck Taeho. Think about someone else besides yourself for once, dude... SMH.

The hobos are ready for battle.

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