Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Rising! UP10TION Episode 3

Episode three of 라이징! 업텐션 (Rising! UP10TION) was released earlier today, and I watched it. So let's talk about it.

At the end of the last episode, the boys had just arrived in China. For this episode, they meet with a martial arts teacher, who shows them some stances to get them started.

It was a bad day to wear jeans...

The teacher then shows them a move to take down an opponent and has them practice on each other.

Sunyoul is supposed to take down Wei...

But Wei is no match for perceived weakling Sunyoul...

They continue to pair off...

This is probably going to be a useful technique when they need to deal with overzealous fangirls.

And have a good time...

The teacher leaves, and the boys play that one game where you have to knock the person you're up against off balance.

Xiao decides that he wants to take down the intimidating Kuhn.

Intimidatingly cute.

Kuhn loses and Xiao next goes after Hwanhee.

But he then loses to Hwanhee, who then chooses Jinhoo...

Who takes advantage of Hwanhee gloating and wins a round. But then he picks tall ass Wei to go up against....

And Wei dispatches Jinhoo.


Wei then picks Bitto as his next opponent.

Who then picks Kogyeol...

Who then goes up against Sunyoul...

But Sunyoul wins, lmao. Nice.

Gyujin gets a chance next...

And he also loses to Sunyoul, lol.

Wooshin, who is supposed to be the visual of group, eventually gets some screen time, going up against Gyujin.

At least he wins his round.

The episode ends with the group going to a street market to do some sort of food mission.

Where they encounter less than savory treats...

The boys also participated in the Idol Athletics Championships this week with the rest of TOP Media.

And just for the hell of it check out my main man Andy...

Thank u 4 the boybands~

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