Thursday, August 27, 2015

Eun Jiwon on Cool Kiz

On Tuesday, the KBS World Youtube page posted the first subbed video of Jiwon's most recent appearances on 우리동네 예체능 (Cool Kiz on the Block).

He's been on the show for three weeks so far, participating in their swimming competition episodes.

Jiwon is a crazy good swimmer, but I was very a little disappointed that he wasn't wearing a little speedo for all this -_-

But nonetheless, I, of course, made some gifs...

He made a grand entrance...

And tried to demonstrate the butterfly on dry land...

Gotta keep Little Jiwon safe.

Watch his first subbed appearance here

Also, just going to make a quick mention of it, I plan on watching 신서유기 (New Journey to the West) when it premiers next Friday the 4th, so I'll be covering that here, as well. 

Check out the show's Facebook page for more info.

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