Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Getting pumped for Sweet Temptation

I have already let my feelings for T-ara be known here, so it shouldn't be a surprise that I am excited for their upcoming web drama 달콤한 유혹 (Sweet Temptation).

However, I'm not just excited. I'm super pumped because my boy Jang Suwon is appearing in it as well~

I'm still trying to come up with some kind of joke involving "Sexy Love" and robot man Suwon.

To be honest, Suwon starring opposite Qri is kind of weird to think about. But alright. It would have been lulzy if he was paired with Soyeon since he's good friends with her IRL BF. 

And of course I am worried about what his acting will be like. I hope it's not too melodramatic and he doesn't need to be very serious. Let's be real, we don't need this to happen to again. 


Things got even better tonight as I also found out that my other fave, Kim Jongmin, will be making a cameo (and Hyun Woo, whom I will forever love from Human Condition 2, is in it too). So yeah, I am so crazy pumped for this. 

When the web drama first got announced, it was supposed to air in September, but it apparently got moved to October, so now we have to wait a little longer to see it all play out... 

I will wait patiently, though...

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