Saturday, August 8, 2015

The Matshot Episodes 3 & 4

Another two part episode of 더맛샷  (The Matshot) aired over the last two weeks, and it was another wild ride...

This time the guys met up at a baseball stadium, and they had to decide on new teams.

In order to persuade the chefs to pick them, the guys mentioned different girl groups they knew. IDK, but if you want to actually meet a female idol you probably should get with Heejun since he's everywhere and has that idol show on Mnet. 

It was basically Heejun and Taewoo trying to show off.

Eventually teams were chosen, with Taewoo and Thunder on the black team and Heejun and Suwon on the white team.

How can someone be so adorable, OMFG.

And the theme for the competition was determined to be g.o.d related which somehow means they need to cook with chicken. 

Then, while still at the stadium, they stopped for some hotdogs...

Someone had the bright idea to have some sort of hotdog eating contest between Taewoo and the other five.

LMAO, they played the Attack on Titan theme song over Taewoo eating.

Suwon was just like "what the hell."

They then got back on track with the chicken theme and went around to different places to sample chicken dishes. 

Suwon on Suwon Chicken Street.

Of course there were games to be played, and Heejun and Taewoo lost.

They had to go down the street to a coffee shop and order drinks like that.

The coffee shop guy was amused by this so it was all good.

Then they were off somewhere else to eat more chicken.

The episode closed with a mini-cooking competition. They had to create pizza inspired dishes with ingredients retrieved from like a convenience store (or at least that's what I was able to understand).

And the teams tried to butter up the judge...

The black team's dish.

The white team's dish, garnished with ketchup... Classy.

Despite looking gross AF, the white team won. 

And I have no idea how Heejun is doing so well on this show.

Episode four kicked off at a street market with some sort of race to find stuff and bring it back to the starting spot. I was very confused but nothing very lulzy happened so let's just move on...

The only noteworthy part was when Suwon was running down the street and someone yelled out "괜찮아요," and he didn't even stop, he just answered back "많이놀랬죠" and kept going. God, I love Suwon so freaking much.

Then it was time to start prepping for the actual food truck competition. Ya know, for a show about food trucks there's not a lot of focus on the food trucks...

Taewoon even hit Suwon with a "괜찮아요."

But Suwon is used to it so it doesn't faze him.

Yep, a whole lot of prepping was going on...

Then it was time for the actual showdown. They arrived at the stadium in guerrilla concert style...

Luckily they were greeted by a considerable crowd.

And they of course felt the need to yell Suwon's catch-phrases at him...

You will never escape it, Suwon.

Plus there was dancing because cheerleaders were there...

Yeonbok was enjoying himself. He seems like a pretty serious dude but he was lol'ing and having a good time this episode.

Eventually, they got to the actual competition. 

And at any chance they get, they must remind the audience that Suwon is a robot man.

In no time, they had whipped up some chicken dishes...

What the white team made.

What the black team made.

The white team won again. Which, yeah, even just looking at the two, I would pick the white team's food. But for real, how is Heejun always on the winning team...

You can watch episode three here and episode four here, or you can just watch some clips here.

Next week, they're at a water park, and chef Kang Leo is joining them. 

I'll also probably split up the episodes and make a separate post for each episode.

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