Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Rising! UP10TION Episode 4

On Tuesday afternoon, I watched the new episode of 라이징! 업텐션 (Rising! UP10TION), and it was all about the boys chowing down on some Chinese food.

So when we left the boys, they were roaming around a street market on a mission to find interesting foods, meaning gross stuff they did not actually want to eat.

Though there were some goodies to be had too...

But we did not spend that much time still at the market, and soon time was up.

Next, the boys were at a restaurant where they had an opportunity to sample some very good things or some very bad things...

The good.

The bad.

Yeah, someone was going to eat Patrick.

No one was looking forward to it, though.

Who was going to eat what, though?

As always on Korean TV, this would be decided, in part, by Rock-Paper-Scissors.

The boys would be in the same teams of two as they were at the market and had to pick a number between one and ten, which would correspond to one of the dishes. 

Up first were Gyujin and Wei.

Luckily for them, Gyujin picked a good number...

And they ate the cute little character cakes.

Then it was Jinhoo and Wooshin's turn...

But they ended up choosing a bad number...


And they had to eat some chrysalis.

The crunch was too much for everyone, though.

Jinhoo and Wooshin attempted to at least finish one of the little dudes each...

And they did a great job, lol.

Yet another team picked a bad number. This time it was Kuhn and Kogyeol, and these two had to eat a scorpion.

Kogyeol tried to be positive about it...

It was super hard to bite, too.

Kuhn, however, was having a hard time getting himself psyched to eat it.

The experience was just too much for him...

And it must have been crazy spicy because he was sweating up a storm.

Finally, Xiao and Hwanhee got a turn...

Yet again, they chose a bad number- they got to eat the starfish.

I would imagine it'd be grody.

For some reason, we didn't get to see Bitto and Sunyoul eat anything, but Gyujin and Wei tried one of the leftover gross dishes, and it was of course nasty.

And with that episode four came to a close with another mission cleared...

Check out the episode for yourself here~

Next week, Teen Top's Niel and Ricky show up, and there's going to be some dancing, so nice.

UP10TION are seriously so adorable. They haven't even debuted but I already love them. I really hope y'all are paying attention to these boys because if not, you're really missing out.

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