Friday, August 14, 2015

LAST Episodes 5 & 6

Well, another week, another two new episodes of 라스트 (LAST)~

Get ready for another ridiculously long post. Let's take a look at what happened this time around...

The episode opens with the hobo army attacking the alcohol wholesaler that Jung owns. Of course Jung's goons show up, and there's big ass fight.

The other three Seoul Seven dudes are there. IDK but Crocodile seems like an unimpressive fighter (as well as an idiot), so IDK why Taeho is supposed to be afraid of him. Like Crocodile operates what probably is a lucrative identity theft business, so I guess that would be why he has some clout. Sergeant Bae is a more formidable foe, though.

An all out turf war is about to break out so Cha runs over to Ryu's, begging for him to do something and asking if he knows where Taeho is.

But Ryu doesn't know where Taeho is either.

Elsewhere, the homeless dude, Oh, convinces the soup kitchen nurse, Nara, to come with him, and for some reason she doesn't think it's shady AF and goes with him. But at least she is now able to bandage Taeho up and hopefully treat that stab wound...

So now both Kwak and Jung are on high alert. Kwak has his hobo army surrounding his hotel and club for protection.

Poison Snake is like if we catch Taeho and hand him over to Jung all this would totally blow over, but Kwak is like that is so fucking dumb.

Kwak wants to deal with them both separately, and he sends capable henchman Mantis out to find Taeho.

At the same time, Jung gets the bright idea to grab Mijoo, since that would obviously really piss Kwak off.

So he sends his goons over to the club, where it's being protected by Bae and his hobos.

However, Ryu shows up, saying that he'll watch this place all by himself, and convinces Bae to leave. I was surprised that Bae listened to Ryu and gave him no trouble and just left.

Which was much to the delight of Jung's henchmen...

No, it's not, dude.

The Jung gang swoops in to take Mijoo, but OFC, Ryu is not going to let that happen.

Though out numbered, Ryu kicks some ass. 

But he and Mijoo barely escape...

The next day Kwak goes to see Ryu since he's looking for Mijoo. And there's a whole lotta tension between the two.

Ryu said that to Kwak after Kwak told him that he didn't have to speak formally to him. Ooooo...

Kwak finally cuts to the chase and asks him if he knows what happened to Taeho, but Ryu still has no idea where he is.

But nonetheless, Kwak wants Ryu to fix the problem with Jung. Ryu eventually agrees to but only if Kwak will let Mijoo and Taeho go when all is said and done.

Ryu still has some faith in Taeho, going on about how he doesn't know when to give up (though LBR he really should stop), and then Kwak is like, "just like you back when you were a boxer." So I guess we know why Ryu took such a shine to Taeho.

So now Ryu is getting ready to kick some more ass.

We then cut to Oh's place, and we see that Taeho finally woke up.

Ayy, some nip tho~

Nara shows up and, rightfully so, she kinda wants to know what's going on.

Obviously yeah, he was...

But then she's like, "I know tons of hobos and none must work as hard as you cos they're not getting chased and stabbed." But then he's like...


But for some reason she isn't terribly horrified and instead is all like...

Like no? WTF? Pry! You had to bandage up stab wounds, so you should be able to know what's going on.

Anyway, we then see that the hobo army and Jung's goons are getting ready for battle.

Bus loads of gangsters.

Kwak shows up and gives a rallying speech in an attempt to get the hobos pumped...

Hence why they are called homeless...

He says this as he's up there in a fancy suit...

But before they can go out and kick some ass, he gets a phone call, and everything is put on hold for the moment.

It turns out Kwak has been called to a meeting, along with Jung, with some old dude, who then tells the both of them to stop fighting.

Yeah, really, c'mon, Heungsam.

I'm like, "who the heck is this guy?" But he's apparently someone both are very scared of. The old guy warns Kwak that if he tries to get rid of Jung, he's going to have to deal with him next. So Kwak is getting even more pissed because he really wants to make Jung pay.

We next check in with Taeho's ex-girlfriend and Sehoon. He's still bent out of shape about that meeting he had with Kwak, Jung, and the congressman. We hear about how he's pretty righteous and play fair, but she warns him. He reassures her that he's going to be different and that he got to where he is because he has skills, not due to the connections he has.

But ladies do want guys with skills.

Moving on, Nara relayed where Taeho was hiding out at to Cha so he goes to check in on him.

Cha explains that there's currently a cease fire, and he tells Taeho about the old dude. His name is Wang, and at face value, he appears to be a retired loan shark; however, he's had a hand in getting four different presidents elected and everyone is afraid of him, even Kwak.

Nara then shows up, and she keeps going on how like it's none of her business, while she's literally feeding and caring for him. SMH.

And he just smiles like an asshole.

The next day Cha gets kidnapped by Mantis. He's tortured but holds out for a considerable amount of time...

Taeho goes looking for Cha. He goes back to soup kitchen nurse's grandma's place and talks to the other homeless dude. He tells Taeho about how Cha has a gambling problem and brings up the cellphone. Taeho is also reminded that old man Jo is still missing.

Before he takes off, he runs into Nara who goes on about how he needs to worry about his well being, and I'm like ???

He needs to get it beaten into him.

When he gets back to the hideout he finds Mantis beating up Oh. Taeho then willingly goes to the torture factory...

Mijoo shows up at Ryu's and wants him to go get a new suit, again not for her but because he's going to have to look nice when he sees his daughter again. Whenever that will be...

Oh runs in and tells Ryu about Taeho going with Mantis, so Ryu goes to see Kwak and just asks him to let Taeho go.

Ryu is willing to sacrifice himself instead, going on about how sooner or later he will end up just like Taeho. Of course Kwak is offended.

Kwak eventually shows up at the factory, and he's planning on killing Taeho and Cha and harvesting their organs.

Cha gets dragged off by Mantis, thinking he's about to die...

So then we have just Kwak and Taeho...

Taeho offers to make a deal with Kwak in order to live for a just a little while longer and to save Cha and anyone else who may be coming to harm due to him.

He tells Kwak that he has a plan to catch Jung using only his brain. For some reason, Kwak agrees to let him try it out, but even if he succeeds, he's still going to have to pay.

They stage a scene so that when they leave, Poison Snake, Crocodile, a whole bunch of other hobos, and even Cha are confronted with Taeho's "corpse."

Word about Taeho's "death" soon reaches the soup kitchen nurse, and she goes to see Ryu, but he thinks Taeho dead too.

She wants to go to police because she thinks something will be done about his death. Ryu is just like we don't have a body, the police wouldn't believe us and would just treat it all like a missing person case. But since all the hobos are basically missing persons, it's totally useless going to the police.

She keeps appealing to Ryu with a whole bunch of nonsense...

Uhhh... tru?

Then why not help out people who actually need it, Nara?

You only care because Taeho is hot AF.

She's like, "Taeho did so much," but I'm like wut? He hasn't done anything really apart from lowering the collection ratio and just keeps on causing trouble for all the hobos. Like Taeho can take care of himself. If she really cares then she needs to go back to helping the legitimate homeless dudes. SMH...

Kwak then shows Taeho his new hideout, which is some abandoned office building that used to be some gangster's place. Kwak knew the guy from back when he used to run drugs.

Here, he has exactly fifteen days to get the job done. Will he? Won't he?

For some reason, Kwak let's Cha, Oh, and the homeless hacker dude help him out, so they show up and are pumped that he's still alive.

However, Taeho's first order of business is that they find Jo. Which isn't too hard as they like immediately cut to Taeho picking him up from some hospital.

Cha is like we need to let Ryu know you're still alive but Taeho opts not to, in order to protect him, which is smart since Ryu has his own issues to deal with.

Taeho's plan involves setting up some fake company and using his four homeless buddies as fake employees and some how draining Jung of all his money. Jo still thinks he's head of some company so this could either go very well or very bad.

IDK when, but at some point Taeho was able to sit down and make a powerpoint for all this, LMAO.

The episode ends with the guys then going on a shopping spree. WTF.

Look at them having a good time.

Moving on to episode six...

We open on Kwak and Jung having a meal together, and Kwak apologizes, saying that since Wang mediated between the two, things should be all good now. He even presents him with "Taeho"'s finger, but Jung is like, "don't think that this is going to mollify me." Nonetheless, Kwak still asks for his help with his own loan sharking.

But Kwak's still suspicious about the whole circumstance and vows that he's still going to strike out at those who helped Jung.

Mijoo brings up how she still really wants to get Ryu a new suit and takes him out to a store.

No hobos allowed.

They're having a good time, but then Kwak calls her and ruins the moment.

Ryu is pissed now, and he runs into Bae shaking down one of the hobos.

Ryu reinforces the fifty-fifty split that Taeho implemented, going on about how even Kwak agreed that it was a good idea, and he tells Bae to relay the message to Poison Snake and Crocodile.

Finally the guys are going to set their scheme in motion (in which Jo poses as the head of a tech company based in the US and Cha acts as his son). They send a disguised Cha into Jung's gambling den. At first I was like, "WTF? He has a gambling problem," but then again, he knows how to gamble then, so yeah, good idea. Cha is winning big, which gets Jung's attention and of course he wants to play with him next.

Back at their HQ, the hacker hobo is manipulating some US company's website to be their web front, since they must to make their fake company seem super legit.

Kwak then calls Taeho, who tells him that everything is going to plan so far, and Kwak mentions how he's setting up an insurance plan just to be safe.

Kwak is going to have Mijoo sleep with the congressman, while Mantis takes photos of the pair as they enter and leave a hotel. Mijoo agrees to go along with it but is feeling hella guilty because of Ryu.

Ryu shows up and drags her out of the hotel before she has to sleep with the guy.

Mantis sees them but does nothing.

Back at the gambling den, Cha is now losing to Jung... When he runs of money, he throws down a mysterious envelope.

Turns out, he bet company secrets to bait Jung into wanting to get involved in their fake company.
He loses them, telling Jung that he better not look inside the envelope. Of course, he's going to look, but that's all part of their plan.

Mijoo and Ryu have run off to have some crab stew. She brings up the burns, and in a flashback, we see that she was protecting his daughter in a fire. To reassure him, she tells him that it was an accident and no ones fault so he shouldn't feel guilty about them.

The next day Cha meets with Jung to buy back the document, and Jung sees that he brought a fuck ton of cash with him. So now Jung is very intrigued.

He lies and says he doesn't have the envelope at his office and asks if Cha will come back later. Cha is like fine, but before he leaves, he's able to plant wire, so now Taeho is out in a van listening in to what Jung is up to.

Before we cut to a different scene, Jung gets a phone call from a guy going on about how he's going to be fired, which ruffles Jung's feathers...

The dude is Director Choi, he works at Taeho's ex-girlfriend's dad's company, and Sehoon wants to fire him because he is on a mission to clean up the company.

This was my fave moment, TBH.

Jung has the document translated, and it talks about how the company has developed an environmentally friendly way to extract oil from sand, which would be ridiculously lucrative.

One of the dudes who works for Jung researched the company and reports back that everything seemingly checks out, so now Jung is very excited.

Taeho meets with Kwak and confirms that Jung took the bait. Kwak then hands over the photos of the congressman.

For some reason, Taeho brings up the phone call Choi made to Jung, and Kwak is about to flip out.

He quickly grabs his phone and calls Sehoon, who we see is about to get ambushed by Jung's goons.

Right before Sehoon hangs up, Kwak yells out his real name- Heungsoo! Or it's Heungsoon... IDK, I swear I saw both names at different times...

Sehoon talks them down, explaining how they can't do anything because there's cameras around the parking garage and the company won't just let him get kidnapped without them doing anything about it. Very crafty and now everything about Sehoon makes sense...

Jung delivers the document back to Cha a their hotel, but Jo, the pretend head of the company, sends him away. Cha is like WTF??? But Jo is like, "he's toying around with us to see if it's really worth it so we should make him wait."

Sweet move, Jo.

Jung then begs for an appointment with Jo. Cha agrees to talk to his "dad" and tells him that he'll call if he can convince him to give him an appointment.

Everything is going swimmingly.

Sehoon is again with Taeho's ex-girlfriend, and she asks if he borrowed money from loan sharks. He's a little suspicious because he's like how does she know who those people are though, but to calm her down, he explains that Choi must have sent them to intimidate him.

After dropping her off, Sehoon meets with Kwak. Kwak is super worried because Sehoon is his little brother! Sehoon tries to assure him that everything is okay, but he shows off his cocky side... He's gonna get himself into major trouble for sure.

Kwak also describes how terrible it was and how desperate he was when he ran away from his orphanage...

Fucking brutal.

Sehoon asks about the situation with Jung, and Kwak strangely mentions Taeho.

Wow, that's a rude thing to say to your own little bro...

The next phase of the plan is going to involve the gang pretending to be a group investigating the Civil Affairs Committee, which the congressman is a member of. So they set up a meeting for the next day with him to discuss the indecent photos.

Jo starts complaining about how he hates the food at the hotel that they're staying at and how he misses the food back at Seoul Station.

Taeho promises that after everything is over with, he'll treat them all to a meal at the soup kitchen nurse's grandma's restaurant.

We then cut to Mijoo and Ryu eating at that exact restaurant.

Mijoo asked him why he prefers this place, LMAO.


Mijoo's worried about what Kwak will do about them, but Ryu is not really worried and attempts to show that he actually really does care about her and wants them to leave this life.

They then leave together and are spied on by some turds.

Then the big moment is finally here... They have back-to-back meetings with the congressman and Jung.

The congressman is freaking out about the photos, obviously. But Jo swoops in like, "you know what, let's just sweep this under the rug... just don't say anything to anyone about what went down here."

Just as planned, Jung catches the congressman as he is leaving. He refuses to say what he was doing there, but Jung thinks he's going to get involved in the company now too.

Everything is going well, but a fire drill could ruin everything... Jo has one of his panic attacks and completely forgets everything, and Cha is about to flip the fuck out because this is very, very bad...

What the heck is going to happen to their plan now??? :O

Judging from the preview for the next couple of episodes, there's going to be a fuck ton of fighting coming up. So I'm guessing that their plan is going to fail :/

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