Thursday, July 16, 2015

Let's talk about Super Junior for a moment

So Super Junior is coming up on their tenth anniversary and have released a special album for the occasion...

Super Junior has consistently been one of the more accessible groups for newbies on the Kpop scene. They have catchy songs and are known for their variety antics, and with so many members, it's hard not to find one guy you like. TBH, I am just going to put this out there, but I don't think I could truly ever be friends with anyone who didn't have a SuJu phase. Super Junior has just been such an ubiquitous presence in Kpop, you can't deny that there is something special about them.

Like many others, Super Junior was the group that got me into Korean pop music. That was all the way back in early 2009, but I have had a somewhat rocky relationship with the group over the last few years. Ever since "Sexy, Free, & Single," I've had a hard time being a SuJu fan. I did not like the direction they were going in.

With this comeback, however, I feel like I have been born again as an ELF.

The new album is amazing. All of the songs are quality~ "Devil" is a crazy good title track. It's very Super Junior and makes up for "Sexy, Free, & Single" and "Mamacita." My top two favorite songs, though, are "Stars Appear..." and "We Can." I usually can never get into songs like them, but there's just something about them that really touches me. 

I literally teared up while I was listening to this album. It really reminded me as to why I loved Super Junior in the first place and that they will always have a place in my heart. There's no use denying it. There's no use trying to stop it. I will always be SuJu loving trash.

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