Friday, July 31, 2015

Let's talk about July releases

July is coming to a close, and I thought I'd write a little about some of my favorite tunes from this past month.

There was a lot of talk about the girl group comeback war, but for the most part, it all was a let-down. There were some bright spots though...

9Muses came back with the amazing "Hurt Locker." It was much better than "Drama," and I hope with their recent promotions they gained even just a little more popularity. God knows they truly deserve the public recognition.

GFriend did it again with "Me Gustas Tu." Along with Awesome Baby, they're definitely my favorite group that debuted this year, and they do the "innocent" concept so well with good songs that they're not ridiculously boring. Attempts at discrediting them by claiming that they're copying other idols are made by turds who are just jelly that their faves don't have good enough jams.

As with the jam "Marionette," Stellar's "Vibrato" came with a very provacative MV that overshadowed a really good song.

I never gave a shit about Hello Venus, but "난 예술이야 (I'm I'll)" is a jam.

Goo Hara's solo debut surprised me. "Choco Chip Cookies" was boring AF; however, the rest of her mini album was actually pretty good.

"Ring My Bell" by Girl's Day wasn't that bad, in my opinion. Though Two X's "Ring My Bell" is far superior, and even that is like so bad it's good.

SNSD's "Party" was an okay summer jam, too. Nothing special, but still good. Very excited about the two other tracks they're coming back with.

As for male groups, I already wrote about how I enjoyed Super Junior's "Devil," but I also really really liked Infinite's "Bad." I was a fan from back during their debut, but their releases after "The Chaser" did nothing for me and I just kind of stopped caring about Infinite. However, I think "Bad" has won me back. I was also fairly impressed with GOT7's "Just Right." Since they debuted I struggled to find anything appealing about the group (well, apart from Jackson), but finally they put out a song that I could actually get into.

Primary's "Don't Be Shy" with AOA's Choa and Iron surprised me too. Solid laid-back jam~

My overall favorite song this month, though, has to be LeeSSang's comeback "주마등 (Kaleidoscope)." It's such a pretty song. It's so good, such a jam... I just really love it.

Hopefully August offers up a lot more quality jams~

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