Saturday, July 19, 2014

Will H.O.T ever reunite

I've been a fan of H.O.T for as nearly as long as I've been a Kpop fan just in general, and it seems every year the question surrounding a possible reunion gets thrown around more and more. This past week HOTSechgodRG appeared on the talk show Family's Dignity: Full House sans Danny, as he was busy with g.o.d's reunion concert. Naturally, g.o.d's successful comeback led to Heejun briefly discussing the possibility of H.O.T getting back together. Unfortunately, Heejun did not reveal anything new or exciting. He basically explained that he does not like addressing the notion because he does not want to get fans' hopes up but he also does not want to disappoint anyone.

While I would love to see H.O.T reunite, I seriously doubt we will see it happen any time in the near future. Reply 1997 was hugely popular and brought created a lot of nostalgia for the 90s, and of course, it also put H.O.T back out there. So one would have assumed that last year would have been a perfect time for a H.O.T reunion. That never happened, and Heejun has mentioned that, with the formation of HOTSechgodRG, talk about getting back together left the table. But more importantly, Tony An's gambling scandal pretty much ensured that a reunion won't happen for a few more years. Tony was banned from multiple television stations, and KBS went as far as banning all of H.O.T's songs from their channel (though another guest did dance to "Candy" on the previously mentioned episode of Full House which airs on KBS). Personally, I do not feel as though what Tony did was that "bad." Yes, gambling is illegal in South Korea, but Tony used his own money to merely bet on sporting events, and that just does not strike me as being horrible enough that his career should be ruined. However, what Tony did is very serious in Korea and he has pretty much not been heard of since December, so I do not understand why people still insist on bringing up an H.O.T reunion.

Similarly, I'd say we won't see Sechs Kies and NRG reunions in the foreseeable future. Both Lee Sungjin and Kang Sunghoon had gambling/fraud scandals (Sungjin, despite claiming in February that he was preparing for a comeback, also recently had a run in with the law over drunk driving and more accusations of fraud), and Ko Jiyong and Moon Sunghoon have left the entertainment industry. Plus, it's relevant to note that there was an attempt at getting Sechs Kies to reunite for the DSP Family concert last year, but it was only attended by Eun Jiwon and J-Walk.

Nonetheless, I do believe H.O.T will get back together eventually. We will just have to wait several more years.

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