Tuesday, July 29, 2014

HOTSechgodRG releases a photoshoot for 1st Look

As teased on the first episode, HOTSechgodRG's 90s styled photoshoot was released last week prior to the premier of the second episode of Where Is my Super Hero.

90s fashion was ridiculous, but definitely not as ugly as what was going on in the early 00s, especially in Kpop. So of course one would imagine a 90s inspired photo spread would be pretty out there. On the show, it was explained that the stylist lifted a lot fashion points from 90s hip hop, hence the large gold chains and whatever is going on with Myeonghun. With Heejun I can see that they went for more of a rocker look, which was a good choice since if they tried to make him up as a hip-hopper, it would have been very laughable. Jiwon owned the shoot; he pulled off all of the outfits they gave him. His style is already more hip-hop inspired, but he is also very low-maintenance and laid-back, which does not always translate well for fashion shoots. Even in the first photo, he looks good in those acid wash jeans. Danny, however, was my favorite part of it all- pulling those sexy faces like such a natural. Whoa~ Good job, Danny.

To be honest, though, as a Myeonghun fan, I am not happy with the photos. While, yes, it's nice to see everyone, especially Myeonghun, be featured, again, in a photo spread, they dropped the ball on styling Myeonghun. There's nothing redeeming about what they did to him. I will never understand why he dyed his hair blond, so that just contributes to horribleness of it all, but then no one did anything at all interesting his hair. They didn't even throw on a funky hat. His outfits make no sense and lack any effort. It's very easy to make Myeonghun the butt of a joke, and god forbid he gets to look "handsome" for once. I'm disappointed, but then again, I'm not surprised that he looks the worst of the bunch.

If there's one good thing to mention, it would be that his legs look really hot. But that's all Myeonghun right there.

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