Saturday, July 19, 2014

HOTSechgodRG are finally making a return

Last year, Moon Heejun was able to bring together four other first generation idols (Tony An, Eun Jiwon, Danny Ahn, and Cheon Myeonghun) for the QTV program Handsome Boys of the 20th Century, which in turn resulted in the formation of project group (perhaps now the term "super group" is a better description) HOTSechgodRG. The show was a hit, and if it were not for Tony's gambling scandal, the group probably would have seen continued success. The first half of 2014 saw very little HOTSechgodRG activity, but it was announced in May that the boys would be returning for a new show in July.

In mid-June, Danny, over on Twitter, revealed a Facebook page for their new project, and the page has kept fans updated ever since. Their new show, Where Is my Super Hero (WISH) will be airing on the OnStyle network, which is a style channel, which is very odd considering how they are not really known for being fashion-savy (I'm looking at you Heejun). From what we know HOTSechgodRG are on a quest to win over young women's hearts (they already have mine tbh) and reach 69,950 likes on FB. That specific number is very important in that it represents the number of seats at which Jamsil Olympic Stadium is considered to be sold-out. If they succeed, they plan on holding a guerrilla concert.

HOTSechgodRG cancelled their plans for Christmas concert Legend Back after Tony's scandal broke (and possible scheduling conflicts), which left fans very upset (though understandably it would not have been the same without Tony). I am interested in any form of HOTSechgodRG concert regardless of the circumstances, so I hope something does happen, and they can see that they are still very much dearly loved idols. Heejun and Jiwon. especially, have strong fanbases within Korea, and then there's the fact that H.O.T and NRG have many fans in China (but ya know, as FB is banned in China, that's not going to be necessarily reflected in the number of likes), so I think a successful concert is very much possible. Also all but NRG have held concerts at the stadium, and since I am a Myeonghun super fan, I would really love it if he got a chance to actually perform there in front of HOTSechgodRG fans.

At the moment they have nearly 23,000 likes; I'm sure after the first episode airs that number will surely climb~

WISH will be airing today (Saturday July 19th) at 10 PM KST. 

For more about HOTSechgodRG, check out my tumblr sideblog devoted to the group:

And please, like their Facebook page:

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