Saturday, December 19, 2015

Dongwan's solo comeback

(This is a ridiculously late post.)

Dongwan finally came back as a solo artist back in October.

I'll be real. Sometimes Dongwan's voice can get grating (to me at least). However, his voice, and basically Dongwan in general, fit with this comeback's "soft rock" concept pretty perfectly. It was refreshing that it was completely different from Jun Jin's recent comeback, which made sense since Dongwan can't do a dance concept as he's a shit dancer. Now, I prefer dance music type stuff, but I was really feeling Dongwan's D and W releases.

His main single, "I'm Fine," was definitely the best of the trio of songs off of D.

"Piece," which featured the rapper Cjamm, was good, but the rap parts ruined it for me.

"My Friend" featured MOTHERFUCKING DANNY AHN and was a quality jam.

All three songs fit super well together. Probably because they all sound very similar.

In November, W dropped, and I won't lie, I was very excited about the song that featured Andy- "Good Night" was alright, but Andy's narration was hot AF, so hell yeah.

"Du Du Du" was less memorable that "I'm Fine" but still was just fine on its own.

"He_Sunshine" rounded it out, but he had already released that. Regardless, all six tracks worked together very cohesively. I'm not entirely sure why he split them all up since D and W were not significantly different from each other. In the end, I must say I enjoyed Dongwan's solo comeback a lot more than Jun Jin's this year :/

Because DyDy.

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