Monday, June 22, 2015

Let Suwon live

The other day they dressed up Suwon as an actual robot to throw the first pitch at a baseball game...

When will he escape his robot image...

Will he ever escape it?

Is it remarkable that he has been able to ride on this robot acting wave for so long? Like I feel like he should stop buying into it so maybe he has a chance after the trend dies down. Like he's on and is scheduled to be on a bunch variety shows, but what about serious acting gigs... What's Suwon going to do when people get tired of the robot actor thing?

On another note, at the Her Secret Weapon (or however you want to translate the title) press conference, and from the best I could gather, he addressed questions about a Sechskies reunion by saying that conditions were favorable. But Sunghoon just got more fraud accusations thrown at him so ??????

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