Friday, June 26, 2015


My girl Kim Hyunjung is back with a rockin' new tune~

She sounds so good (looks hella good too). The song kind of feels like her old stuff, but the "attention" parts throughout sound awkward. Nevertheless, it's a jam and will go into my current playlist.

What's up with the white people in Kpop MVs these days, though?

Thursday, June 25, 2015

A post about Eun Jiwon's recent comeback

Well, this (this post as well as this comeback) was like way over due... 

Eun Jiwon finally made a solo comeback after a couple years, and what he gave us was pretty good.

At the start of the month he released a taste of what was to come with "What U Are," which really does give off a throwback vibe. Since it should be established by now that I love old shit, this was more than okay with me.

"What U Are" is a good song to chill out to, and the lyrics are pretty nice. Gilme's feature is pretty sweet too.

Like a week later, he dropped "Trauma," which features the girl he was crushing on on those gender episodes of Human Condition 2

The other songs on the album, "Excuse" and "Soulmate," are nice tracks  too. Out of the four songs on the mini-album, though, I'd have to say that "Trauma" is definitely my favorite of the bunch.

I was really happy he did a lot more singing than I expected. Personally, I love his voice; it's so sweet~

Jiwon also made the decision to forgo promoting on music shows. While this is sad, since I wish we could see him perform his new tunes live, I can understand why, especially since he came back at a time when there's a lot of idol comebacks going on (Big Bang, Exo...). 

But he did sit down to do a interview with 1theK, which gave us insight into the mind of Jiwon...

There were, as expected, some funny bits...


Jiwon revealing his secrets.

He also mentioned how he wanted to discover a hip hop duo like Deux, which I thought was pretty neat.

But more interestingly he talked about how he didn't necessarily want to go with what's trendy and instead wanted to make the music he wanted to make.

And he reiterated himself in this interview (side note- I would recommend reading this article, it's short and pretty interesting if you like Jiwon).

Putting music out shouldn't be about getting first place on music programs or even charting. Jiwon is old enough and well established with a large following of fans that winning shouldn't be a priority. He's at the age where he should be able to do the music he wants to do.

Overall, I'm very content with the new music, but it was a disappointment that we didn't get to see performances of the new stuff.

Heejun strikes a pose

When around models do as models do.

I didn't mention it before but Heejun cohosts a KBS Cool FM radio show (정재형 문희준의 즐거운 생활) with Jung Jaehyung now.

Check out their Twitter and Instagram~

Monday, June 22, 2015

Let Suwon live

The other day they dressed up Suwon as an actual robot to throw the first pitch at a baseball game...

When will he escape his robot image...

Will he ever escape it?

Is it remarkable that he has been able to ride on this robot acting wave for so long? Like I feel like he should stop buying into it so maybe he has a chance after the trend dies down. Like he's on and is scheduled to be on a bunch variety shows, but what about serious acting gigs... What's Suwon going to do when people get tired of the robot actor thing?

On another note, at the Her Secret Weapon (or however you want to translate the title) press conference, and from the best I could gather, he addressed questions about a Sechskies reunion by saying that conditions were favorable. But Sunghoon just got more fraud accusations thrown at him so ??????

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Awesome Baby

I don't even remember when it was announced that Tony would be producing a girl group, but I have been waiting to hear something more about it for some time now. Like last week I think I wrote on Twitter that I was wondering what was going on with that group. I knew it was legit because even Suwon mentioned on Happy Together that Jaeduc was working with Tony on training new idols. So it seemed to just be a waiting game...

Well, finally, his new girl group, called 어썸베이비 (Awesome Baby), has debuted!

To be honest, I really like their song. It has a nice old school vibe. And I've listened to it a whole bunch of times already, which is hella good for them since I rarely come across songs with high replayability these days.

I'm definitely intrigued by them and no longer just because of their association with Tony.

Check out their Facebook page, Twitter, and Youtube channel for more info~!

Also check out them in "Candy" outfits singing "Couple!"

Very nice B-)

Thursday, June 18, 2015

So close yet so far...

Koyote (and Cool) are in LA for a concert, but even though they are here in the US, they're still on the other side of the goddamn country. To be honest, I'm surprised they actually came over here with MERS over there in South Korea. Like 1 Night 2 Days were going to do an LA trip this month but they postponed it for the time being. Because I'm a horrible person, I was hoping the concert got cancelled so I wouldn't be filled with the regret that I couldn't go... ha ha...

Bbaek Ga posted this extreme close-up on Instagram and tagged Shin Ji in it, and I nearly died when I saw it on my feed. Jongmin is so respected as a leader, lmao.

Got bit by the Funk Spider

So Kim Taewoo dropped a new single called "Lonely Funk" (along with a new album T-Road).

It's pretty much something I would expect from Taewoo.

I really liked the MV's aesthetic though... and how Taewoo brought in my fave Danny to cameo...

But yooooo~ It was a little too much... I don't need to see Danny having a sexy time on my screen.

Same, Taewoo, same.

Oh, and g.o.d have announced they would be releasing at least one new song this year and would be holding a concert before the end of the year. So hell yeah, we got some g.o.d stuff to look forward to~

I'm just like plz come back 2 me, g.o.d; I miss u so much</3

Thursday, June 11, 2015

A Shin Ji solo comeback is upon us

My most favorite of Kpop ladies, Koyote's gorgeous and talented Shin Ji, is gearing up for a solo comeback it seems~

She has been documenting preparations over on her Instagram, and from the looks of it, it's going to be pretty sweet.

Let's be real though, of course it's going to be sweet- it's Shin Ji.

I also saw someone mention that it's going to be trot, which IDK, it kinda makes me more pumped some how(?).

And just for the hell of, let's just take a look back on "해뜰날."

I still hope we can get a Koyote comeback this summer though...

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Revamping this blog...

I'm going to be be changing things around here, including content focus. I can't just be a 90s blog, and I'm terrible updating it as it is. So in hopes of actually getting this blog back up on its feet, I'm going to change things. Of course since I am still a 90s fan, I'll continue writing about 90s stuff, but now I'll be writing about other interests (contemporary Kpop, variety shows).

And I really should make that post about that Enjoy Saturday Super Concert, especially since they went to several cities and I'm pretty sure they wrapped everything up already...

Stay tuned for new stuff though~