Saturday, January 3, 2015

So I just saw this...

This article:

Well, I guess Boom, who got in trouble in the same gambling scandal as Tony and Andy, has made his return to TV. I don't know how the Korean public are reacting to it, but to be honest, who the hell even wanted gross ass Boom back to begin with. The point I want to make is that I just hope it bodes well since Shinhwa announced their comeback is scheduled for this February.

As I said, Boom is super gross, but Andy is the most sincere, precious human being so if anyone legitimately reflected on getting into trouble it would be Andy. I swear to g.o.d if anyone gives him shit when he comes back, I will flip. They can all come fight me IRL. I will literally fly over to Korea and challenge everyone talking smack to fight me.

Also, I really miss Tony. Tony we need you back too~!

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