Saturday, December 6, 2014

2014: Disappointments

For me there were two major disappoints in 2014- the lack of Shinhwa and W.I.S.H's Facebook failure.

I will not blame Andy for it being a quiet Shinhwa year, especially since I am an Andy stan, but it's hard not to acknowledge the fact that his gambling scandal prevented Shinhwa from having a proper comeback this year. Taking a break from Shinhwa promotions, though, would have allowed the other members to get involved in separate activities. But even with their individual efforts, it was a lackluster year for me as a Shinhwa fan.

Along with the excruciating absence of Andy in my life, first and foremost, I was very upset that we never got a solo comeback from Jun Jin. After Andy, I prefer Jun Jin's body of solo work over the other four's, and since Shinhwa is gearing up for their next comeback in January, I doubt we'll get any solo Jun Jin for another year.

M had his tenth anniversary since his solo debut, but personally, I wasn't really feeling the M+Ten release. Eric had his drama comeback with Discovery of Romance, and while it was a cute show and had its moments, I'm not a drama person. I love Hyesung with all my heart, and though his remake project was interesting in concept and it was nice to see S get back together, Hyesung's ballad/softer style of music is not my style, so I found it hard to get incredibly excited about what he was been up to. Dongwan was away in Canada for what seemed like most of the year, but when he came back he at least offered up some pretty neat stuff; it was great to see him return to the Hedwig musical and "He_Sunshine" is a very enjoyable song.

2012 and 2013 were amazing years for Shinhwa, but 2014 really didn't do them justice. I hope they come back and totally own 2015.

As with last year's Christmas concert that never was, HOTSechgodRG's failed attempt on Where Is my Super Hero to gather enough Facebook likes to hold a large scale concert absolutely broke my heart.

To be honest, HOTSechgodRG's return was not as satisfying as it should have been. W.I.S.H lasted only for four episodes and obviously it did not feel complete without Tony. But also, the fact that g.o.d were reuniting, I think, really had an effect on the project group and how the FB experiment fared- their comeback distracted from the project.

This year was pretty much a crap year for me as a Myeonghun fan. I'm worried, especially after he went on Family's Dignity: Full House and talked about how he was broke. He barely did anything this year; I hope he's doing okay. Myeonghun really does not get the respect he deserves as a former idol and musician, and it would have been nice to have him back on stage as a performer in front of a large audience regardless of whether or not they were NRG fans.

We haven't seen HOTSechgodRG since their appearance on Running Man back in August. I really hope this is not the last of them, so I'm anxious to see what happens with the team in 2015~

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