Monday, October 9, 2017

Shin Junghwan is back on TV

About a month ago, I was flipping through the channels, when I was kind of shocked to see our boy Shin Junghwan on my TV. I guess I wasn't really paying attention because I recall seeing Tak Jaehoon post stuff on Instagram with Junghwan but didn't make anything of it.

Turns out it was all part of a new Mnet show called 프로젝트 S : 악마의 재능기부 (Project S: Devil's Talent Donation).

The show is following Junghwan as he apparently tries to re-enter the entertainment industry. 

Three episodes aired already. In the first episode, he gets back together with Jaehoon and hands out his flyers advertising his services and asking for people to call him (hence the full title of the show). Him and Jaehoon of course do some "noraebang" with Country Kko Kko songs. Then they went to Busan and took to the streets, performing in front of a cell phone store.That, of course, went awkwardly. They also ended up on a boat and awkwardly interacted with some white dude. While in the third episode, Roo'ra showed up. I'm started to blank trying to remember what else happened, lol. On the next episode, the two are going to have a sexy photoshoot (I posted some pics at the bottom of the post). Can't wait~

Like I get that he broke the law and did something incredibly stupid, but in the Pantheon of horrible things a celebrity, or anyone really, could do, what Junghwan did was fairly minor. Did he hurt anyone? No. It's been years since it happened, and he did his time so to speak, IMO. It's been all the more tragic because he's legit funny and a true variety talent.

I gotta mention that Junghwan got p hot while he was away. He looks really good on the show. Jaehoon remains smokin' hot.

Project S airs on Thursday, but I usually watch the rerun of it on Friday night.

The show also has an Instagram~

AND Country Kko Kko performed together in the US back in like July, which is ridic to think about :O

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Long time, no see~

Well, it's been awhile since I posted on here. I missed out on posting about a lot of things. So many ridiculous reunions and comebacks happened. Sweet jams were released. Good Kpop shit happened. But 2016 was a terrible year for me, and I had to concentrate on personal matters and getting my life together. Now I live in South Korea- Back in August I moved to Ochang, which is just outside of Cheongju. As I suppose I'll be experiencing Kpop culture first hand, I think it's time to resurrect this blog~ So stay tuned!